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Search results for query #api

4 answer
16.07.2023, 22:53
No connection to API server
Hello! API not working, even missing texnika.1b.app ping While the APIv2 application is installed and received a password token for my user. But my...
2 answer
15.07.2023, 13:56
Deliverynote field
Please tell me where to find the deliverynote field in the order interface?
6 replies
13.07.2023, 14:01
Writing a full array to a field (API)
Based on the task https://1b.app/ru/forum/business-processes-and-automation/17359-zapis-answer-iz-... Here https...
2 answer
10.07.2023, 17:28
Writing a response from an array when passing a process to an API
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/707/action/new/ There is an action "Pass process to API" As a result of the action here https:...
Does the integration with WordPress and Kyivstar use an OS license?
Periodically, when transferring an order from WordPress, there are delays, and the order can take more than 5 minutes Is a license used to integrat...
1 answer
20.06.2023, 09:52
Different times when choosing the same time zone
good afternoon, the question arose with sending via api from the data box through a third-party apix drive service, with a box in https://implant.1...
2 answer
13.06.2023, 16:31
API as user
Good day! The situation with RestAPI is not clear It acts as a worker and eats one session (user) Therefore, the employee cannot connect through...
2 answer
09.06.2023, 12:36
API server not available
Missing REST API response from https://mybox.crm-onebox.com which is listed as the API server in the documentation. It doesn't even ping and is not...
7 replies
31.05.2023, 15:42
API password
Good day, how can I get a hash password to set up integration with another service? https://ant-logistics.1b.app/
1 answer
Personal license
10.05.2023, 16:41
Evaluate ARI synchronization
Please evaluate the synchronization of products by API with https://elbuz.com/en (documentation https://elbuz.com/en/docs-jumper-api#toc_link_2 ) Y...

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