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Search results for query #alex

10 replies
Uploading contacts
Yesterday, around 15:30, I uploaded contacts with certain parameters in XSL. Box I said wait, I'll send everything to the post office. I waited...
2 answer
11.09.2020, 08:22
Main menu
Is it possible to add multiple levels of nesting to a menu? - Tasks - - My tasks - - - Overdue tasks - - - Tasks for today - - - Tasks for the week...
2 answer
10.09.2020, 23:22
I am looking for an action that can copy the field value from the current process to another (unrelated) process knowing only its id
I am looking for an action that can copy the field value from the current process to another (unrelated) process knowing only its id. Once again: I...
2 answer
10.09.2020, 19:23
Expense orders. Expenses. Expenditure
Please give a guide or a link to a training video or other material, or give hints where the cost accounting block is located (payment of receipts ...
7 replies
10.09.2020, 16:02
Value highlighting
Please make it possible to specify a condition, for example > 1 http://joxi.ru/4AkL5xLUkXy18r
3 answer
10.09.2020, 15:34
choose a product
Why are the checkboxes "choose a product" always active? It is very uncomfortable. Are there settings or mechanisms that would make them ...
4 answer
10.09.2020, 11:58
Base currency
There is a new account. How to change the base currency in it
4 answer
Администратор проектов
09.09.2020, 13:40
Give a link to the tariff for buying a server
Hello! Boxing client box.inal.com.ua. You need to rent a server and move the box there. Advise the tariff so that it is enough for 2 years in advan...
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vysokos changed the data in boxing
The administrator's data was changed without permission (https://prnt.sc/ue39vw). It is not clear what other changes were made. Return yak bula...
6 replies
delivery service handler
created a new business process pulled up orders delivery method - yes invoice - specified http://prntscr.com/udpff1 parcel statuses are not tracked...

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