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Search results for query #ттн

4 answer
Ukrposhta parcel ttn status error
https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/app/ukrposhta/?searchfulltext=0503154876601 for some reason the TTN status is stuck on the second status - Ukrposht...
1 answer
06.01.2022, 17:17
Justin ttn has incorrect order statuses
There is an order https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/380865/ in the order (Fig. 2) in the order the status is not correct. Here on justin (pic 1) W...
5 replies
The parcel is not tracked, what could be the problem?
There is an order with ttn ttn made on prom Agent account connected it has a &quo...
5 replies
03.01.2022, 12:29
Information about the availability of an elevator in TTN
Process https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/8531/edit/ TTN was created in the box in the New Mail tab TTN (screen 1) TTN was cre...
7 replies
15.12.2021, 09:43
Printing TTN-ki in one list by analogy with NP
Now, when selecting several processes and trying to print on these processes, justin. Each tn-ka opens in a new window. Is it possible to make it s...
1 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
14.12.2021, 15:28
I can not create a TTN write a pardon "There was a pardon when the address of the governor was created."
In this order https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/60331/ukrposhtainvoice/ Can't make TTN Write "There was a pardon when the address...
3 answer
11.12.2021, 20:24
Buttons for mass printing of TTN Justin do not work
Например тут https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?dumpHash=&modelist=...
18 replies
complete the action "Import orders from Rozetka Seller API"
- to configure "Fill in a delivery invoice in an existing process based on Rosette's waybill (provided that there is no delivery invoice i...
1 answer
02.12.2021, 14:06
Creation of TTN with the field Weight
the integration has the following settings accordingly, if you automatically create a TTN, then this number (4.79) is displayed in print if in the...
12 replies
29.11.2021, 12:30
Duplicate senders NP and incorrect sender
Order https://datapoint.center/admin/customorder/order/1727611/edit/ TTN 20450455082235 was created in it, if you open it, the sender is Romanko Kh...

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