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Search results for query #продукти

1 answer
18.11.2022, 09:38
0 is not recorded by the action Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the specified field
https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/products/action/update/edit/ Configured action Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the...
How to choose a product color, size, type or other in BP
There is a product, for example a door, it can be right, left and different colors. How to have such columns in the product block so that they can ...
Variable value product
Is it possible to have a product in the system that consists of values that can change? This product is day-night roller blinds or aluminum blinds ...
9 replies
Subcategories of products
Good day! - in the categories of goods, creating the subcategory "third equal" But on the site, the stench is not shown, if you want to ...
8 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
13.07.2022, 11:41
The postal worker brought changes to his ap
Types of products have changed xml structure The products were added to the last child tag goods - and now the stench is not updated. Discussed her...
6 replies
23.06.2022, 11:12
Product manager field in OS
Previously, we needed to access the 'Product Manager' field. https://1b.app/ru/forum/stock/13042-prava-na-redaguvannya-tovariv/ https://1b....
9 replies
13.06.2022, 15:40
Product categories are not listed
https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/ Product categories are not expanded to subcategories. block near the "Product category i...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.06.2022, 12:16
OS, bug, API needs duplicate price types for goods
Good day, Zіshtovkhnulis z problem, in apі vіddaє for skin type tsіni odrazhennya two values 0 i vіrno pohovane. In the product card, the values \u...
2 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
03.02.2022, 21:01
Bug - it is impossible to filter products by the additional field, so it is necessary to know the symbol "%" in the field
Є additional field of goods It is necessary to know all the goods in those fields in which field - the symbol "%" Ale, the system does no...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
27.12.2021, 15:39
Estimate the rating by goods
You need a sound with such adjustments: - select all goods, if they are in stock, all values can be sorted by product with improved filters (if you...

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