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Search results for query #новая почта

1 answer
18.01.2023, 09:01
DOES NOT print zebra 100x100 new mail PDF
1. Go to the section https://rivcont.info/app/workflowtype-issue/?dumpHash=&modelist=&objects...
5 replies
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
11.01.2023, 09:41
Mass incorrect change of IR status
Good afternoon! Yesterday, there was a massive failure in sending NPs. After the status "Management has independently created the invoice, but has ...
25 replies
10.01.2023, 03:18
Wrong payer for TTN delivery
According to this process, the payer for delivery was incorrectly established https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/290089/ Everything is ok with oth...
8 replies
09.01.2023, 14:25
Improve the action "Record who is the payer in the created TTN in an additional field of the process"
It is necessary to evaluate the action for the stage: "Write down who the payer is in the created TTN in an additional field of the process" - sett...
5 replies
06.01.2023, 11:52
The stage of the process did not switch depending on the status of the Nova Poshta parcel
https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/287208/ The order did not proceed to the Money transfer received stage. This situation has already been the oth...
3 answer
24.12.2022, 12:29
No street listed
In LK NP you can choose a street, in the box it is not. I pressed the update button for streets and branches, but as far as I know, the streets wil...
Setting up Payment Control for Nova Poshta
Good afternoon. I enabled Payment Control in the sender's settings, but when creating a tn, it writes an error as in the screenshot. Here is an...
1 answer
01.12.2022, 16:00
Nova Poshta office pulls up incorrectly
Apparently, because of the commas in the address: Varash, Department No. 2 (up to 30 kg): Yuvileyny microdistrict No. 1, Yuzhny market, kiosk No. 1...
2 answer
14.11.2022, 00:41
Processes do not switch for some New Mail statuses
Good afternoon. Processes do not switch for some New Mail statuses. The problem is like here https://1b.app/ru/forum/integrations-with-delivery-ser...
Sender and recipient information is not pulled when creating a TTN
When creating a TTN from the box, information about the sender's phone and complete information about the recipient are no longer pulled Didn&...

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