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Search results for query #интерфейс

28 replies
24.06.2022, 18:56
Improvement Suggestion - Block Names
Now, even if the blocks have names, be it a universal block or a block of subprocesses, while editing the interface it is impossible to determine w...
1 answer
04.06.2022, 08:54
Enhancement - Comment Feed - Letter block height (in px)
For us, the main part of the activity takes place through email correspondence, so it is important for us that working with email is convenient and...
5 replies
02.06.2022, 15:37
Does not go to the stage (interface)
Here is the order https://onetos.org.ua/248906/ I specify the client, I press "in work" I get a plaque - "saved" But at the s...
20 replies
01.06.2022, 12:07
Filling cards does not work correctly
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/contact/usergroups/setting/0/interface/# (Fig. 1) there are settings. And here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/co...
3 answer
31.05.2022, 19:53
Scroll bar
This topic has already been raised before, but still I hope for improvement, improvement and standardization of the boxing interface: The scrollba...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
26.04.2022, 23:18
Non-clickable items for editing
In the settings of the universal block, non-clickable items (Fig. 1) here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/10/interface/?workflowid=2&am...
1 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
31.03.2022, 13:27
OneBox OS: no way to keep the same desktop interface for all employees
The location of apps is not saved for everyone. Save button doesn't save action Please correct. Box segorwork.1b.app
1 answer
15.03.2022, 19:48
OS - Improvement
We suggest adding the ability to change the background not only for the entire block, but also for the header separately. So the interface is not l...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
21.02.2022, 23:19
App action menu not showing
After adding any application to favorites, the menu is no longer displayed for all other applications Video https://www.loom.com/share/30c15638c629...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.02.2022, 20:06
OS - coordinate the display style of the block in the process interface
Question to the developer. Please do a search in one style. Now the product search blocks by barcode and qr-code look like on the screenshot 1052

If you can't find a suitable theme - Submit your question.