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Search results for query #заказ

When the order is completed, you see a pardon.
When the order is made in the crm, you will see a pardon. "Page unavailableThe rovo.org.ua website cannot process this request yet. HTTP ERROR...
2 answer
12.09.2021, 14:03
Bug. The author does not pull up when creating an order
In your personal account when an order for another client is placed (Fig. 1) After creating an order, the client becomes the author (Fig. 2) Alth...
9 replies
09.09.2021, 14:39
The price of the product does not increase
Good afternoon, after switching to OS, when creating a new order, customer prices no longer drag, the base price stretches. Procedure: 1.Create an ...
2 answer
09.09.2021, 13:38
Urgently!!! Orders are not opening. Error 500
The Customer Order processes do not open. Error 500. What is the reason? Decide as soon as possible!
9 replies
09.09.2021, 12:57
sometimes the order amount from the variable pulls with thousandths in the format 123.0000 instead of 123
- it was noticed that sometimes the order amount from the variable pulls with thousandths in the format 123.0000 instead of 123 , this leads to sen...
7 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
08.09.2021, 19:18
Item not reserved in stock
Order https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/customorder/order/42731/edit/ There is a reserve action at the stage https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin...
Photos in the BP list began to be displayed cropped
Today, photos are not shown in full, part of the photo is only displayed but in the PSU itself everything is fine
1 answer
31.08.2021, 11:22
Mass change of prices in the order.
Good afternoon! Such situation. I fill in the box with an order through Excel for 50 positions. There are 5 price levels, and let's say the cli...
9 replies
30.08.2021, 13:33
Import orders from non-logged in users
If the user is not logged in on the site (Magento), then a contact without full name (screen 1) is created in the box along with the order, althou...
2 answer
30.08.2021, 08:57
When transferring an order from the site to the CRM, the sign "?"
When transferring an order from the site to the CRM, the sign in the middle name "?"

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