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Search results for query #achizhik

At the entrance, a list of who is using and a proposal to exit
There is an idea to make it so that when logging into Boxing, a person is shown a list of those who are already working. And if there are not enoug...
Client Cabinet
Please add a search by Process Description in the Client Cabinet in the tasks.
Integration with PayParts2
We did not find ready-made integration with the PayParts2 service in the box and decided to offer you to make this integration with payment automat...
Integration with semysms
The service is used to send SMS, that is, an application from semysms is installed on a regular cell phone and then you can do mass mailings using ...
Add breadcrumbs to the mobile version of the site
Add breadcrumbs to the mobile version of the site. https://prnt.sc/onvmyz In the latest version of the site, stinks and people use them https://prn...
Integration with payment system
Make integration with the paylater service with the ability to add applications and receive information on them (update)
2 answer
Re-accounting of finances at the box office and logging. Display date
From time to time I encounter such a problem that the amounts do not converge at the Cashier. (Record + Actuals). Is it possible to add the followi...
Display serial numbers in progress
Make it possible to select the serial number of an item when reserving it, as is done, for example, when searching for an item, i.e. I enter the se...
1 answer
03.07.2019, 14:59
Refine category export
Add a type of category export that a person can work with. Namely: - unload the tree of categories, keeping its structure; - show the entire hierar...
1 answer
10.06.2019, 12:52
check marks
Product: https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/16183/edit/#done All checkboxes are editable: http://i.imgur.com/hoOtZrt.png On another box in the ...

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