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Search results for query #верстка

Flew layout switching pages
Here https://box.criamo.com/client/myorders/order/ Switching is not the same as before. Correct plz.
1 answer
29.09.2021, 16:56
OneBoxOS. Flew layout in the settings
http://crm.osd.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/174/interface/ the layout in the settings has fallen off and the exit button does not work Correct pl...
3 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
12.08.2021, 15:18
Layout moved out and displayed incorrectly
Layout moved out and displayed incorrectly, please fix it.
6 replies
12.08.2021, 10:24
OneBox OS works on mobile devices
The OneBox OS interface has become fully responsive. This makes it equally convenient to use it on a computer (desktop mode), on a tablet or smartp...
Hat layout fell off
It looks like the layout of the site header has fallen off: In the upper right corner is generally porridge.
5 replies
28.07.2021, 21:52
Moved out icons
https://exam4shebo.crm-onebox.com/desktop/ icons are out of place
2 answer
28.07.2021, 15:48
Layout bug, incorrect display
When setting up the form for adding a task in the "Company name" block Curved display of fields
3 answer
11.07.2021, 23:00
Can't delete an existing template
Hello! 1) You cannot delete an existing template 2) After selecting a template, the option disappears: "Add more Fill in by default Fine setti...
2 answer
08.07.2021, 08:23
Unloading goods (layout breaks)
The layout breaks if you choose a template, besides, the template cannot be deleted.
1 answer
18.05.2021, 18:15
Help with document layout
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/document/221/control/ This document is indented on the left side, you need to make the same indentation on the rig...

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