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additional field is forced to be filled
Good day. In the process, I use the action Check for the presence of a process on the client, which in turn has a trigger condition - an empty addi...
11 replies
24.09.2020, 09:01
Need to renew OneBox
Good morning! An inscription appeared in the box: "It is necessary to renew OneBox, n days left until the end" (https://prnt.sc/umv8fi) W...
5 replies
23.09.2020, 11:36
CRON API Documentation
Tell me if you have documentation on your CRON API method? Since calls are not transferred to the client's contact.
6 replies
22.09.2020, 11:16
Please update our box to the latest version
Good afternoon Please update our box to the latest version https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/
2 answer
Change the description of the action Prohibit switching the stage manually
In our system, there is an action "Prohibit switching the stage manually". At the moment, its operation logic is as follows - if it is tu...
10 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
21.09.2020, 11:26
Doesn't create TTH Justin
Here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/customorder/order/22140/justininvoice/ I create TTN writes an error, but it's not clear what the error is https:/...
2 answer
Selecting all items does not select all items
Hello, when we go to the list of products and, for example, select a filter - in stock, without a category, a specific supplier, in the search on t...
7 replies
Reverse the process
What is the correct way to re-confertuate the lead at the client's order? do not create a new one, or a new process. Namely, change yoga to ano...
Purchased Onebox licenses not working
Good afternoon, somewhere in June 2018 I bought 4-6 licenses. I doubted for a very long time, because. the price of about $5,000 was a lot for me. ...
Automation, turning a letter into an order
In the old version of Box, everything worked fine, now they switched to a rental subscription and this automation stopped working. I looked at all ...

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