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Search results for query #bohdan

6 replies
Download and process supplier price list
Good afternoon! Is there an instruction for setting up this action in automation - "Download and process the price of the supplier"? I tr...
2 answer
07.11.2020, 17:11
Displaying the Description field on the product card
Hello! The size and display of the Description field has changed in the product card. It has decreased, shifted and the text in it cannot be entere...
different currency for different prices
Good afternoon! please tell me how to set up different currencies for different prices for the product. For example, our retail price is in rubles....
6 replies
04.11.2020, 16:09
Action "Send notification by sms Universal action" - please explain and suggest
Hello! We are looking for the opportunity to send SMS once a year when moving to a stage and send it to all contacts except Interest (user.custom_I...
3 answer
21.10.2020, 19:05
What does action mean
There is an action http://joxi.ru/Dr8RpzyCMKE7q2 . What do the following settings mean: 1. http://joxi.ru/V2VbJ0LikBejw2 2 http://joxi.ru/1A5K0Excb...
6 replies
New mail status
Please tell me there are actions to switch the status of the task if the status of the new mail has changed, except for the action "Move the b...
4 answer
21.10.2020, 15:58
Ability to edit fields when clicking on the contact field
The client asks if the interface of the program (client card) can be changed so that it is possible to edit the fields by clicking on the contact f...
Pardon When importing goods in XLS, the file is empty
When loading goods in XLS, the file is empty https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/products/exchange-xls/ https://prnt.sc/uyjwib Letter Export#40 done Ent...
The Print button near TTN Nova Poshta in the Universal Block
I do not understand the meaning of the settings, all the options that I try do not change anything. Near the field TTN New Mail icon print, you nee...
2 answer
12.10.2020, 16:52
The parent process is not saved or assigned.
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/psaport/113355/edit/# if you fill in the field "parent process" http:/...

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