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Search results for query #финансы

There are no settings for one checkout
I have several checkouts. Each for a separate legal entity. In access rights, all cash registers have a setting, but one cash register does not. Is...
2 answer
25.05.2021, 23:32
Interested in the full integration video of Privat 24, from A to Z.
5 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
25.05.2021, 12:24
Distribution of payments received on the Bank's card
Good afternoon, We set up the action "Privat24 Statement of accounts for individuals" for receiving card transactions (clients swipe to a...
2 answer
17.05.2021, 11:26
Action: Change stage if payment received
Hello! Previously a question was asked on the forum: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/8117-deystvie-izmenit-etap-...
4 answer
Refinement in the panel of mass operations in Finance
Can it be improved so that the bulk operations panel displays the amount of selected payments, next to the amount?
3 answer
26.03.2021, 15:23
Barter order
Good afternoon. A question arose, we began to receive orders by barter. How can we take them into account so that there are no payments for them in...
16 replies
post payments by action in the bulk operations panel
Is it possible, by analogy with the Make a payment action in the bulk operations panel, to make the Post payment action, which will post its amount...
3 answer
obligations in parent and child processes
And one more question on finances, if the payment is tied to the parent process, and the shipments are made in the child ones, is it possible to re...
1 answer
posting payments for orders
A question about finances, if one private payment comes in and you need to split it into ten or twenty small orders already made, are there any sol...
10 replies
Copy extra. process fields in add. process payments field.
There is additional field in the payments that are attached to the order, in this add. the field is entered "date of accrual" (in our cas...

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