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The price from the promo comes wrong
Here is the order https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/24489/edit/ and here he is on the prom That is, in the CRM the full pri...
8 replies
03.12.2021, 12:02
Incorrectly handles the action Deny navigation depending on the fields
Good afternoon I added the action Deny navigation depending on the fields, and I check the discount (standard) field, but the action does not work....
5 replies
01.12.2021, 10:33
Count sold products with discount
Now KPI calculates the amount of products by brand without taking into account discounts (Figure 1) https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/kpi/userhistory/...
In the client's personal account, it incorrectly counts "Total"
In boxing, it counts incorrectly with a discount https://box.criamo.com/client/basket/ It turns out a double discount, but this should not be, whi...
The discount for sets in CRM is not transferred (when creating an order) [Opencart]
Have a product https://artkopilka.net.ua/markery/markery-nabory/markery-touchfive-nabory/nabor-... There will be ...
1 answer
27.09.2021, 11:01
Put a discount on the product depending on the value of the field
Example, there are several process products in an order The product has an extra field. If in addition the field contains the value "Gift&quot...
1 answer
Personal license
06.09.2021, 17:43
OS: The "Process Discount" field in the summary block displays 100 times the value
there is a process: https://allar.crm-onebox.com/100/ the discount should be UAH 95, but it shows 9500 https://take.ms/IAfzn fix please
1 answer
16.08.2021, 13:16
Discount on goods of the order and on the process
Created 2 identical orders https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1508/edit/ https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1512/ed...
2 answer
12.08.2021, 15:35
Discount is not displayed in the report designer
https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/report/designer/2/view/ Here I display processes, I added 2 fields with the display of discounts, but it is not di...
12 replies
12.08.2021, 13:41
Problems with the Promo Codes functionality. Liabilities and Fiscalization
The functionality of promotional codes is used in the process The promo code is applied as a total discount for the process Problem #1 Liabilitie...

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