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Search results for query #нова пошта

The status does not change according to the status of Nova Poshta
Why did the transition from one status to the second stop working? The status "Drop sent" was supposed to go when the NP is to be sent. A...
Register New mail
Hello, I have a question, I did not understand myself How does the registry work here? For example, I'm interested in manually creating a REGIS...
2 answer
05.08.2022, 16:30
At the tab Nova Poshta TTN does not change the street, so the name is based on the numbers
At the tab Nova Poshta TTN does not change the street, so the name is based on the numbers Application butt https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/cus...
Cash on delivery amount
Made an advance payment, but how to do it to: when creating a TTN, it took "Total amount" minus "Paid" And now it creates an ov...
Full name from the order card
Hello, the question has already been raised but I did not find an implementation answer on my own, how to make a client Vasya Ivanov But the recipi...
TTN status of new mail
1) How to display the status of the TTN in the card, for example, "Waiting", "On the road", "Arrived"? 2) Make a chan...
6 replies
18.07.2022, 20:05
When molding TTN, no data is transferred to vul., avenue, provulok
Custom Order https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/18715/edit/ The address says "Dostoevskogo", but at the tab Nova Posht...
1 answer
18.07.2022, 19:53
At the Nova Poshta TTN tab, do not add a letter to the booth number
Custom Order https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/18694/edit/ In the new address, the number of the booth is 11zh, but when you go...
4 answer
06.07.2022, 16:14
Error creating tn
Hello. I try to create in manual mode, it gives an error https://cabinet.tehnolavka.com.ua/5498/invoice/
1 answer
28.06.2022, 19:29
How to add to the list of ttn already created ttn?
Having created an invoice through the addendum, transfer it to the list of invoices.

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