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Search results for query #нова пошта

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.04.2023, 13:01
Does not allow you to select data from the directory related to the automation of New Mail
1. There is a directory associated with Novaya Poshta 2. Added a field to select values from the directory when filling out the form, screen 136...
1 answer
13.04.2023, 10:43
The print menu does not appear
Good day After creating a ttn, the menu for printing it does not appear. https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/38910988?key=5c3d7b563e87ebc63ae5f...
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
31.03.2023, 08:39
BP stages do not change when the NP statuses change
A week ago, all actions at the stages of this BP stopped working https://drukaryk.1b.app/app/workflow/17/constructor/ , related to the change i...
1 answer
19.03.2023, 14:30
Refinement. Changing data in an existing TN
box https://rivcont.info/ There are two methods according to the NP API https://developers.novaposhta.ua/view/model/a7682c1a-8512-11ec-8ced-005056b...
3 answer
14.03.2023, 12:14
Sender not found. periodic error
For example here https://rivcont.info/3649494/ There was an error https://take.ms/bxlYI , but then after 5-7 minutes everything is carried out. We ...
4 answer
27.02.2023, 13:16
Default personal account
When you change the default cabinet, the previous one remains ticked in the list of cabinets.
2 answer
21.02.2023, 09:54
How to translate a list of addresses into Ukrainian
Good day! In business processes, there is an address field, it pulls up the branch of the new mail when filling But pulls up information in Russi...
2 answer
04.02.2023, 15:21
The action of automatic creation of tn does not pull data from the additional contact. fields
Here https://rivcont.info/admin/shop/workflowstatus/5123/action/new/ Action "Automatically create TTN" and settings (Fig. 1). It doesn't work. Here...
2015963386 - The integration functionality with Nova Poshta has been improved
For integration with Nova Poshta, the setting "Additional field to enter the date of the start of paid storage in the branch" has been added
3 answer
Get the amount of the overlay from the already created tn Nova Poshta
Is it possible to make an action that would receive the amount of the overlay in the already created tn, so that after the creation of the tn manag...

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