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9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
29.08.2022, 14:01
TTN return shipping
The task is We have a turn in the name of the Client, who is guided by the request. It is necessary to create TTN on the turn. At zamovlennі, if th...
1 answer
23.08.2022, 09:06
does not switch to the stage from the status of Nova Poshta
The action is set on the status Move the business process to this stage if the stage of the new mail has changed https://aromacarlux.crm-onebox.com...
The status does not change according to the status of Nova Poshta
Why did the transition from one status to the second stop working? The status "Drop sent" was supposed to go when the NP is to be sent. A...
7 replies
16.08.2022, 11:45
Automatic transfer to another BP stage
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to set up an action to automatically transfer the BP if the status of the BP does not change for some time, for ...
2 answer
13.08.2022, 18:18
Incomprehensible system for displaying new mail statuses
We have two types of shipment: from our warehouse and from the supplier's warehouse. For orders that are sent as overlays, we have put automati...
Long status changes
I have some kind of problem, the statuses change for a long time, the person took the parcel, and the status of the order and the stage still hangs...
Register New mail
Hello, I have a question, I did not understand myself How does the registry work here? For example, I'm interested in manually creating a REGIS...
Full name from the order card
Hello, the question has already been raised but I did not find an implementation answer on my own, how to make a client Vasya Ivanov But the recipi...
TTN is not created
I’ve been fighting all day and I can’t find an error, when I click on the CREATE TTN button, I get an error: "Failed to create TTN", alre...
6 replies
18.07.2022, 20:05
When molding TTN, no data is transferred to vul., avenue, provulok
Custom Order https://josera.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/18715/edit/ The address says "Dostoevskogo", but at the tab Nova Posht...

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