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Search results for query #автоматизація

6 replies
Transfer to NADAVI Ukrainian version of products
https://luxshina.ua/ The butt of the product as it is transferred at once https://luxshina.ua/media/export/4.xml Sending "Export products in ...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
14.09.2022, 12:19
Display the customer's preferred delivery and payment methods on the customer's card
There is a task to record in the Client's card the methods of delivery and payment that the Client has chosen and which he prefers. This is nec...
4 answer
Personal license
23.08.2022, 12:06
The first filter tag is duplicated when exporting products to XML.
Good day. To export goods, I use the action "Integration of goods XML (Export)". When creating a product file, the first filter tag ( htt...
Create an action
Tell me how to find the action to set on a stage to do the following: The manager fills in the field (Date); 5 days before the value of the "d...
1 answer
18.08.2022, 18:49
CRM for vіddіlu sales
My company OneBox Corp can help you to automate sales on the basis of OneBox. We would like to audit your business processes, give recommendations ...
Automatic import from suppliers Yug-kontrakt and ERC
Hello! I have configured automatic actions to update data from Yug-contract and ERC suppliers. At the moment, only the price, RTC, description, ima...
11 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
18.07.2022, 09:26
Yak Pratsiuє year of the day: Recalculate the balance of products in warehouses
Є dіya: Recalculate the balance of products in warehouses *** The new one has the following description: The action starts the calculation of the b...
10 replies
The product price is not correct for export
E ed. once in a while: "Export processes to Google spreadsheets" It has the "Process product price" field - This field exports...
9 replies
Personal license
02.06.2022, 16:19
Advice: write the API response in the supplier's price
Hello! It is necessary to set up synchronization with the asg.ua provider through the API. Please advise if it is possible to record the price data...
11 replies
Personal license
12.01.2022, 06:48
copy the name of the selected NP integration into the additional field
there is a need to configure automation, depending on the selected New Mail office. what action can be used to copy (or otherwise check) its name? ...

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