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Search results for query #автоматизація

13 replies
21.04.2024, 22:56
Evaluate the refinement of the action
Now the mechanism for selecting updated data, in the action "Import products from CMS ExtraParts", is carried out by a request: "SELECT * FROM `pri...
Please tell me how to display a separate column with the wholesale price without changing the calculation rules? We need 3 columns Purchase price (...
2 answer
14.02.2024, 21:28
Automation does not work
Good day! Does anyone know why the action in automation "Automatically create a process on a given day of the week" does not work? It is necessary ...
2 answer
26.01.2024, 12:34
Unable to load data in Univ.import of products (xml)
Good day! I can’t understand where I’m prescribing something or doing it wrong, I’ve already checked the settings hundreds of times, but for some r...
3 answer
04.01.2024, 16:54
External ID search template
What should be the correct syntax for this field? https://prnt.sc/IOKNKnq_ZlAn I'm only looking for numbers, example notes "Payment for order 58944...
11 replies
Changing the xml file link
Tell me, is it possible to change the link in xml, the action "Export products to Socket"? SCREEN. In this case, the name of the store (user) must ...
1 answer
05.12.2023, 11:23
What exactly does product automation 1 time per day
You can start automation for all products once a day. What kind of automation does the system run? On creation/on editing/on recalculation? Or all/...
Procurement process
Good afternoon, I have set up an automation once a day, a process for purchasing goods that have reached the minimum reserve. A certain category an...
23 answer
28.11.2023, 10:06
Krone does not have enough memory to run scripts
In the logs, it constantly shows a lack of memory when executing scripts on the daily crown: [2023-11-28 00:14:23] point: /var/www/core....sc/web1/...
4 answer
11.10.2023, 14:21
Turn call to process automation is not working
Tell me why the call did not turn into a process? Here is the link to the event https://proektobk.1b.app/app/event/145115/ automation is configured

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