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Search results for query #оценить доработку

6 replies
27.01.2022, 16:55
Refinement into action by prom
https://armikom.1b.app/ Rated here https://1b.app/ru/forum/price-platforms-and-marketplaces/12857-vigruzka-produkto...
8 replies
25.01.2022, 19:02
Rate the box
Add the possibility of searching for processes on the additional field.
6 replies
complete the import of the delivery note number from the socket as a separate action
you can complete a separate action for the business process to transfer the TN from the outlet necessary - flag for prohibiting the transition to t...
13 replies
13.01.2022, 12:43
In the Add products from one process to another action, finalize the checkbox Run procedures for editing a process after adding a product to it
Good afternoon. https://crm.ohrana.ua/ In the Add products from one process to another action, finalize the checkbox Run procedures for editing a p...
6 replies
11.01.2022, 17:08
Refine price rounding and process discount prices
Good afternoon. There is a problem with rounding values in processes and passing them via api https://crm.ohrana.ua/ I will describe what result is...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
07.01.2022, 14:03
improve the action "Import products from Google sheets" (load data only from a specific sheet)
I ask in the minute action "Import Products from Google Sheets" to add the field "Enter the names of the sheets from which to load d...
Improvement required
1- in the product passport Optional product when decomposing the passport into components selling price = 0 these are additional components and the...
1 answer
15.11.2021, 16:17
Need an appraisal
Please evaluate the task https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/business-processes/11848-pri-oprihodovanii-tov...
4 answer
Personal license
03.11.2021, 16:15
OS rate the calendar box
vicariist client /app/gtdcalendar/?mode=calendar timeline for the specified hour. for the sake of clarity of planning, the hour of spivrobitnikiv a...
1 answer
15.09.2021, 19:02
Refine the action Apply customer price level to process products
You can use the Apply customer price level to process products action to add the setting to apply the price level only to products whose field valu...

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