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Search results for query #com

9 replies
14.09.2020, 17:49
Share Unicode Icons
Please share your collections of Unicode icons, who can.
10 replies
14.09.2020, 14:15
Is integration with Checkbox planned?
Hello! Tell me if you plan to integrate with https://checkbox.in.ua/. Here is the manual https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zhkc4OljKjea_235YafVvZ...
4 answer
Remove a person from a chat
Good afternoon! How to remove the interlocutor from the chat in the program? I found the "add employee" and "leave the chat" fu...
3 answer
CISCO Integration
Good afternoon, how can I set up integration with CISCO telephony.
A bug in an already configured process during implementation (work with product assembly)
A bug in an already configured process during implementation The sum of the cost of the components is not copied in the assembly cost field (of the...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
11.09.2020, 20:00
30% referral for selling iEXPERT
Greetings to all Partners and colleagues. I have a money offer for you so that we can all make more money. Here is my site: https://icolor.in.ua/ a...
2 answer
11.09.2020, 10:32
Set switches in automatic actions when saving an item
As a wish for the developers. Set the switches in automatic actions when saving the product now like this https://skr.sh/s46LCtYVzUV
2 answer
10.09.2020, 23:22
I am looking for an action that can copy the field value from the current process to another (unrelated) process knowing only its id
I am looking for an action that can copy the field value from the current process to another (unrelated) process knowing only its id. Once again: I...
10 replies
10.09.2020, 11:32
2015614073 - Refinement of the variable quantity of goods in the order
In Changelog 31.08-06.09 Improvement indicated: The orderProductsCount variable has been improved - counts the number of product positions in the p...
11 replies
Администратор проектов
09.09.2020, 12:50
Terms of transition from buyout to lease
There is a client who bought 10 licenses 2 years ago, is hosted on his server and now wants to switch to a cloud plan (10 or 20 users). What are th...

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