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Search results for query #интерфейс

2 answer
01.03.2021, 16:36
Conditions for displaying fields
For some reason, the fields are hidden selectively. https://prnt.sc/10agdhv Custom fields are not hidden. Is it fixable? https://prnt.sc/10agea8
8 replies
01.03.2021, 16:30
View files in progress
File preview does not open the first time. This almost always happens, you have to click back and forth several times to view the file. Is it fixable?
1 answer
01.03.2021, 13:15
Action - Exclude from observers in progress, except for those selected
Something is not working right. https://prnt.sc/10a9kqb
2 answer
01.03.2021, 10:53
"copy action" not working
https://prnt.sc/10a4ict Copy doesn't work in action menu And it seems to us better to call the action "duplicate" so as not to confus...
1 answer
01.03.2021, 10:29
Email interface in progress - Files
Often letters come with some kind of "garbage" inside, such as logos, icons, and so on. Boxing displays all this as files attached to the...
3 answer
26.02.2021, 11:51
Step Actions
It would be very cool if there were such opportunities in Boxing on the action page: 1. View the content of the action (as in the action menu) http...
1 answer
25.02.2021, 15:29
Comment feed
Tell me, is it possible in the new version to add a filter to the comments feed by "process results". Now you can see separately comments...
3 answer
24.02.2021, 14:29
comments feed
1. Glitch when the comments feed is collapsed. if the feed is collapsed, then when you click on "add a comment" nothing happens. 2. Is it...
5 replies
24.02.2021, 13:26
Field Responsible
Question - Search by name, language Why, when entering in the client field or in the global search, you can write in Cyrillic, and search in Latin....
4 answer
Тзов Екомора
24.02.2021, 10:34
superimposed the interface of the CT connection with the interface of the BP
When closing the CT through the request block https://prnt.sc/105hm34, the video shows that the interface is superimposed at the bottom of the fuel...

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