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Search results for query #шаблон

I change the font on the site and in the morning it's the same
Google writes a critical error on the site https://prnt.sc/5W87zvT9X6Xs I change the font on the site and in the morning it's the same. How can I m...
4 answer
13.12.2023, 11:40
Good afternoon. Please tell me how to add a variable to the contract template? We have a field “number of days”, in the contact interface it is dis...
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Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
19.10.2023, 19:19
Finalize the report on the process products template
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/report/desiner/6/view/?filter_order_cdatefrom=2023-10...
Document templates
Good afternoon, is it possible to remove this inscription, or at least make it in Ukrainian?
Document templates
Good day. I create document templates. Now I want to expand the materials included in the product passport in the document. But the additional fiel...
Letter template
Good day. please tell me, the template of the letter is configured, but it does not add the additional field of the product "Place in the warehouse...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
06.07.2023, 22:01
Need FTP access to upload files for templates
box https://gamacrm.1b.app/ Need FTP access to download templates and import files. Plz send it to the mail.
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
20.06.2023, 14:29
Unloading goods in xlsx price list template
Here https://gamacrm.1b.app/app/automatization/day/edit/ There is an action "Nadsilati price list skin year/day". It is necessary to refine the tem...
2 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
30.03.2023, 12:59
Add date variable to price tags
Here https://gamagel.1b.app/app/document/pricecode/templates/add/ You need to add the "Print date" variable in the format 11/31/2023 How many hours...
4 answer
27.03.2023, 02:35
A problem with displaying services in the document
In the document template, I set up a separate display of goods and services. There were no problems with the goods. And the services are not displa...

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