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Search results for query #сортировка

6 replies
19.07.2023, 23:34
Sort tasks in the calendar by the date the parent process was created
Can you please tell me what are the solutions to the problem? It is necessary that the tasks in a certain BP in the calendar are sorted by the date...
4 answer
11.12.2022, 14:44
No longer sorting products correctly
Here is an order example https://sara.1box.link/24530/ Here is sorting https://sara.1box.link/app/workflow/8/procedure/11/ In the order example, w...
3 answer
19.08.2022, 17:50
Improve the sorting of the product table in the personal account
Here https://univer.1b.app/client/product/list/ In the settings https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/boxclient/12/interface/?groupid=5 for the "Cl...
7 replies
15.08.2022, 17:23
Sorting does not work in the Report Table of tasks/orders/processes (in the report designer)
Report https://crm.hlr.ua:50443/admin/report/designer/14/ Settings sorting by field Client1s result https://crm.hlr.ua:50443/admin/report/desiner/...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.02.2022, 13:58
OS - unable to drag app icons on home screen
On all OneBox OS, it is no longer possible to drag the app icon to the right place on the home screen. Correct plz.
Can I sort by products in my personal account?
You need sorting in your personal account by product. Namely, first from the oldest product code, to the newest and the ability to click on the tex...
5 replies
08.11.2021, 16:56
Sort field Source
Good afternoon Tell me how to get the correct sorting of sources https://crm.hlr.ua/admin/shop/source/. By default, in the source field, the values...
3 answer
12.10.2021, 11:50
OS - No "project" in sort
Please add "project" to the process sorting, it's strange that it's not there.
1 answer
MVP - evaluate the improvement in sorting goods in the personal account
We have a products section in the Personal Account /client/product/list/ . If I understand correctly, now sorting by product id works there and th...
10 replies
07.10.2021, 16:50
in BP in orders, the quantity field began to be sorted as text, not as a number
screenshot attached how to fix it

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