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Search results for query #новая почта

1 answer
22.11.2023, 12:02
Updating the list of streets in the Nova Poshta directory
Good afternoon, tell me, is the list of streets in the Nova Poshta directory still updated once a month, despite the fact that there is a button “U...
10 replies
07.11.2023, 12:56
Bug! Problems with orders.
Good afternoon It is not possible to process orders. Orders open in 30-40 seconds. The interface has become distorted. The holding companies block ...
1 answer
Cities stopped pulling up when creating TTN
Hello. Now Novaya Pochta near the city name also conveys the area in the name (in orders received from Prom.ua), here is an example https://prnt.sc...
2 answer
01.08.2023, 15:44
Does not switch the statuses of business process stages when the status of the declaration changes
Hello! Some tasks do not switch between new mail statuses. Those. a declaration of new mail was created from the task and the task does not receive...
Incorrectly selects an IR account for the formation of TTN
Good afternoon Example process https://pl-tyres.1b.app/18561/ By default, one FOP is selected https://prnt.sc/SCt7sFnV60A9, but if you go to tn, th...
Does not translate order status stages according to Nova Poshta statuses
https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/945333/ The order was in the "Packing" status. Although, according to the settings, I had to go to Drop in the de...
1 answer
07.07.2023, 10:27
Creating a TTN for another person
Good afternoon Tell me, please, what am I doing wrong? There is a task in the order to create TTN not for the client, but for another person. T...
3 answer
The client's phone is not being picked up correctly when registering the NP
Order https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/128157/ The client has only one phone number, we create a TTN for the order https://prnt.sc/ww18jx11GxnZ, an...
5 replies
When auto-forming TTN knocks out an error.
Good afternoon When auto-forming TTN gives an error "An error has occurred. Failed to create TTN. Sender not found." Action Hands TTN are create...
Sending TTN to email
There was a need to send information to customers about their order when they go to the approved stage. It is not possible to transfer TTN there. ...

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