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1 answer
27.03.2024, 12:12
Product reserve bug
Good afternoon. We noticed that OneBox shows a product that is actually out of stock. This item is on reserve, but is not connected to the order i...
1 answer
28.02.2024, 17:00
Improvement: add switches to enable and disable movements
Guys, please consider a modification for the "Warehouse" application, namely: add switches to enable and disable "Can I move to this warehouse" and...
3 answer
05.02.2024, 06:12
Evaluate the possibility of finishing the brewing process
There is a process https://skinon.1b.app/19/ it has a product (eg https://skinon.1b.app/app/product/245/edit/) that has a price per ml and volume h...
Please rate the finalization (products in the table)
- BP interface block "Products by table" - item "Balance in stock" Add the option to hide the "See all" button (shown on the screen, highlighte...
5 replies
11.12.2023, 19:18
An active reference to the process id in the warehouse balance log
Good day. It is very necessary to make active links to the id of the processes in which the product is reserved
1 answer
07.12.2023, 14:36
Please evaluate the possibility of improving warehouses: Zagal balance in warehouses
Please evaluate the possibility of refining warehouses, block "Garage balance in warehouses" https://i.imgur.com/Do0gUx8.png https://ptichkinsad.1b...
BAG of price calculation
https://askoart.1b.app/app/product/13944/edit/ If the product is ONLY in the warehouse of the employee, then the recalculation is not made and the ...
2 answer
08.11.2023, 18:05
Product Quantity, Product Price, Product Amount are not displayed in the log
If the process https://aquadevice.crm-onebox.com/7478595/ is sent to Show operations on the process, zeros are displayed in the columns Product qua...
Automatic movement of goods during the process does not work
Good afternoon Previously, for this project, the action “Move process contents to another warehouse” was improved https://prnt.sc/KrbghBgSV4M0 ever...
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Purchase price update?
Good day. Tell me how I can update the purchase price in the product card? I have a business process in which I sell products to the warehouse. I w...

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