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Search results for query #поставщики

0 replies
02.02.2024, 07:21
How can product categories and/or suppliers not be set to "vendor availability" in a product?
Tell me how to not set “supplier availability” for certain categories of products and/or for certain suppliers, that is, the checkbox should be unc...
1 answer
20.01.2024, 19:05
Rate the improvements
Often there are more than 20 suppliers for one product, which differ not only in Price but also in Delivery Time. Selection by Price is handled ...
8 replies
21.05.2023, 19:07
Improvement needed: display all organizations of one Supplier in the BP in the Payments block
Guys, we need improvement and your help in the issue of Payments and Suppliers. Very often I encounter the same situation when the same Supplier ha...
4 answer
12.03.2023, 23:09
Copying supplier field values to add. product fields
Here https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/automatization-products/update/edit/ It is necessary to refine the action "Copy the supplier field into the addi...
Не работает выпадающее меню для поиска поставщика
Не работает поиск по поставщику в продуктах нет выпадающего меню для поиска. И даже если прописать поставщика, то не ищет
1 answer
10.10.2022, 01:36
Field "last arrival suppliers"
Go to https://rivcont.info/app/product/ The field indicates "all suppliers" Try to delete > filter > value "all suppliers lef...
20 replies
Good afternoon! How can I check if the automatic import of prices from ERC and Yug-Contract suppliers works?
Automatic import from suppliers Yug-kontrakt and ERC
Hello! I have configured automatic actions to update data from Yug-contract and ERC suppliers. At the moment, only the price, RTC, description, ima...
1 answer
06.07.2022, 19:14
Does not return the product to the supplier
There was a task before https://1b.app/ru/forum/stock/13911-ne-vozvrashchaet-tovar-na-sklad/ It has not been resolved Again, repeating https://crm....
1 answer
28.06.2022, 15:34
Errors after upgrading to MVP
1. There is no binding in the order to the supplier to the customer's order. Here is a test order https://crm.marketmebeli.com/admin/customorde...

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