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Search results for query #bohdan

3 answer
06.10.2020, 12:19
Functionality for a travel agency (work with internal tasks)
You need to set up a trace. functional: 1) set up a calendar for employees so that they can plan their tasks, meetings, applications, so that you c...
11 replies
05.10.2020, 16:53
Module of additional categories for products
Tell me, is it planned to bring additional categories to the market of the module? So that there is no need to ask you to turn it on.
2 answer
05.10.2020, 15:28
Obligations to the client (supplier.
Initial: there is an order to the supplier. Automation "Update our commitment to the client" is configured The parameters are set: 100% o...
7 replies
05.10.2020, 13:37
SMS notifications for BP
I want to add automatic sending of sms, to the definition. BP stage. https://prnt.sc/utdz4i took action, there is a "take number" field, ...
1 answer
05.10.2020, 12:16
Supplier order
How to make it so that in the tabular section the warehouse to which the goods are posted is automatically selected? There is only one warehouse in...
6 replies
04.10.2020, 07:44
Referral system
Is it possible to set up the referral system in such a way that referrals can be added / fixed not manually, but automatically. For example, how it...
7 replies
03.10.2020, 16:05
Counterparty balance adjustment
When entering data into OneBox for the first time, it is necessary to adjust the balance between us and our counterparties. For example, we owe the...
2 answer
02.10.2020, 20:47
Extra processes are created
Processes are created from some letters, although automation (Turn letter into a process) is not configured.
4 answer
02.10.2020, 17:02
Made a new document. I tried to generate for the order and gives an error - 500 What could be the problem?
2 answer
30.09.2020, 09:50
Changes are not saved in the BP
Good afternoon, I'm working to change in the "Customer's order" business plan on this new order in "advance notification via...

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