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Search results for query #bohdan

Payments are shown in the order if they do not belong to the order or to the counterparty
Payments are shown in the order if they do not belong to the order or to the counterparty Order https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/971556 ...
4 answer
write an empty value to the process field
Action "Change the value of a process field depending on another process field" select the field "process method name" and try ...
1 answer
09.10.2020, 21:11
Selecting mail to send
Good afternoon, gmail mail has been added to Email integrations, but when exporting products or sending emil from automatic actions, it comes from ...
4 answer
Why are orders not filtered by the source field?
https://prnt.sc/uvkwbj I specify the source of the order to see the data for the source of interest to me, but the filtering does not occur
Setting process preview in GPU search results
Guys, it's very necessary to be able to configure which process fields to show in the global search. https://prnt.sc/uv8v5d Because in order to...
7 replies
06.10.2020, 17:18
Marketplace integration
Previously, I asked a question about integration with the Allo marketplace, but it was ignored by Onebox employees. Link to previous post: https://...
Project for a private photographer. Solving customer needs.
The client plans to use the system for project management. There are several designers whose work needs to be supervised.
3 answer
06.10.2020, 13:57
Help make a solution to the customer's pain
Good afternoon. The Client needs a system to store contacts in it. Leads come from social networks + physically. But right now there is absolutely ...
4 answer
06.10.2020, 13:41
Integration with New mail
The main problem of the client is that when placing an order, he manually sends the TTN number to the client. How can this be automated? Do you nee...
6 replies
06.10.2020, 12:41
food store
What the client needs first: 1) warehouse accounting (what functionality can be offered for food products?) 2) so that the system would notify in a...

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