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Search results for query #api

1 answer
22.09.2022, 18:20
API v2
I studied the material as much as I could!... I don't understand how to make a selection by ID to the list of products - I tried everything tha...
13 replies
Project Manager
14.09.2022, 14:43
API for different site languages
Good day gentlemen! There are questions about the API. Onebox works in Russian and Ukrainian, they switched to Ukrainian only, but there were probl...
1 answer
01.09.2022, 11:57
When updating product data - creates a duplicate
Here is the order https://fr-auto.1box.link/1113/ First, an order is created then it is updated with goods add an article to the product But when...
5 replies
01.09.2022, 11:15
what paths and creds to use to access and work with api.
https://1b.app/ru/api/orders/ using the url I created earlier - I can't get through. writes 404. neither by http nor by https here is a link to...
4 answer
Papidu Digital Agency
31.08.2022, 13:03
“Password in md5 format” is the hash for the API
Hello! To integrate with phonet, you need a hash password, where can I get it?
Api OneBox - request for improvement
Good afternoon! You need to add the 'barcode' field to the /api/storage-balance/get/ method This is necessary to synchronize balances acros...
4 answer
24.08.2022, 09:18
response processing in the "Submit business process to API" action
Hello! The "Submit business process to API" action is configured in the procedure that sends an http request to the API and receives an a...
3 answer
14.08.2022, 07:53
Lost connection to site
The integration with opencart has stopped working (new orders do not come in onebox). At the same time, once a day we see sessions from the vanbox,...
2 answer
Personal license
11.08.2022, 14:52
Improvements to the action "Translate product fields to the specified language"
Hello! There is an action "Translate product fields to the specified language". It is necessary to be able to specify additional product ...
2 answer
Personal license
11.08.2022, 10:51
We need an example of a request that we use to pick up an order from Magento
Good afternoon, we encountered a problem that we do not receive part of the recipient's address. Magento developers need a sample request that ...

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