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Search results for query #api

1 answer
25.10.2023, 17:24
Transferring additional images, availability text and supplier via API
Good afternoon, please tell me why I can’t transfer additional images, the main one is transferred but the additional ones are not, I use one pictu...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
23.10.2023, 09:59
Please advise where to start to understand the OneBox API
Friends, good day Please advise where to start to understand the boxing API? Here I am reviewing the course for beginners HERE https://zecourse.com...
3 answer
Personal license
19.10.2023, 14:03
"Shop-object by id not found" error when using the "statusid" parameter in an API request
We are setting up receiving data from the site, using API v1. We need to create a process in a certain status, for this we pass the statusid param...
1 answer
18.09.2023, 11:51
When sending a post request with a file, onebox performs several get requests
Here https://univer.1b.app/api/orders/update/?dataFromBody=1 options { "login": "log", "password": "pass", "orderid": "some_number", "customor...
1 answer
09.09.2023, 21:14
Orders from Khoroshop are not arriving
Everything worked fine, but orders stopped coming from good and there was an error in the application: https://prnt.sc/no1MvmF_H95j
6 replies
CEO, owwa.com.ua
28.08.2023, 11:29
How to get product passports?
Congratulations, We have products to which passports have been added - in fact, a set of products that make up the set, how can you get a list of t...
3 answer
14.08.2023, 16:30
Write value by object key
Here https://univer.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/849/action/new/ There is an action "Pass process to API". After sending the request, we get a ...
2 answer
13.08.2023, 13:01
API Box orders
I am posting the API work log: [2023-08-13 12:19:27] host: vertex24.crm-onebox.com url: /api/orders/add/?login=&password=&ordercode=2447&name=verte...
3 answer
31.07.2023, 11:49
Ari2 for clientpersonalreminder does not work
I create a reminder for Ari through api/v2/clientpersonalreminder/set/ and in response I get a 404 page. A similar situation has already occurred w...
5 replies
Not transmitted TTN UKRPOSHTA from ONEBOX to PROM
Let's use action: "PromUA / Save the delivery declaration number of the current process" But TTN of Ukrposhta is not transferred from ONEBOX to P...

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