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Search results for query #фильтр

6 replies
08.06.2021, 13:37
Bug filtering business processes that were in the selected stage in a given period of time
Good afternoon. Filter business processes that were in the selected stage in a given period of time Filters in fact not as described. The sample in...
1 answer
03.06.2021, 15:36
Filter by the supplier from which the goods were received
You can make a filter in the balances in warehouses by the supplier from which the goods were received Now it filters by the supplier that is spec...
8 replies
28.05.2021, 13:13
Problem with the filtering module on the site
Good afternoon! Found problems with filtering on the site. For example, the category "Drills" https://box.trudovik.com.ua/dreli/ We selec...
9 replies
Интернет Магазин openshop.ua
28.04.2021, 08:08
Filter is not displayed when importing excell products
Added filter https://erp.openshop.ua/admin/shop/products/filters/5073/control/ I open the import of goods from excell There is no filter in the dro...
1 answer
31.03.2021, 16:18
Processes in filtration
Adjusted filter: https://orc-test.kiev.ua/admin/customorder/order/?filterauthorid=&filtermana...
3 answer
21.03.2021, 19:17
Gantt Chart
Why, when filtering a certain process by displaying the Gantt Chart, does it show other processes there? Filtered by Projects, but shows Appeals!
1 answer
21.03.2021, 13:22
Process filters
The concept Today and Now are different concepts, and at the moment in the filter the button "today" performs the function "now&quot...
2 answer
09.03.2021, 15:10
Generic Date Variables for Filtering
Good afternoon. I create my own menu item, while I need to see the list of processes created today, add &filtercdatefrom=today to the URL and g...
3 answer
19.02.2021, 11:23
How does the product import functionality work in the context of Filters?
Hello! Tell me, how does the import functionality work in the context of Filters? (https://prnt.sc/100ng40) Task number 1 - the product has 10 filt...
1 answer
Personal license
18.02.2021, 18:03
Refinement to filtering in the product tables
Good day! Recently, we have been asked to improve the filtering capability in the process tables: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/interface/3653-...

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