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Search results for query #продукты

1 answer
17.02.2022, 18:13
Products ordered
In the MVP in the products there is an item Ordered products, but on the OS, I don’t find this item, tell me where it is.
1 answer
15.02.2022, 13:43
Images do not pull up to products on opencart
Set up integration with opencart. The action Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via the database) has been configured ...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
09.02.2022, 09:21
OS does not filter products with a fractional value and an integer less than 1
Good afternoon, the price filter does not work for fractional values less than 1. Example: you need to display all products with a price from 0.1 t...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.02.2022, 13:08
OS values of additional fields in the product card are not saved
Good afternoon, the values of additional fields in the product card are not saved. Example: Product link: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/product/5...
2 answer
31.01.2022, 13:52
Removing photos from products
Good afternoon! Product photos are removed from time to time. Can you check why this might be happening? https://admin.newtrend.team/admin/shop/pro...
2 answer
27.01.2022, 14:48
Bulk change products field
It is necessary to update the Model field for all system products (translate into Ukrainian) When I do export import, fields id, Name and Model. Th...
1 answer
21.01.2022, 11:14
How does the field "Warehouses" work in the list of products, why different information?
Here is an example of 2 products https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/product/11166/edit/ There is a standard field "in stock" shows 25 But ...
1 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
16.01.2022, 03:29
Finalization of the report "Forecast of balance"
Did task 2015878898 It is necessary to make it possible to display both the goods that are in the selected BP and all the goods that are in stock ...
2 answer
12.01.2022, 15:25
The product table field is cleared when editing the drop-list field
When filling in an additional process field (drop-down list), the cursor itself switches to the last edited field of the product table (quantity, p...
17 replies
11.01.2022, 15:16
Product import block not working
BP Posting, stage Order for posting. In the import block, I select a file to upload, select the required fields in the system to upload values (art...

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