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Search results for query #платежи

2 answer
23.02.2022, 11:13
Hide outgoing payments.
Good afternoon. Uploading payments from monobank\privatbank to onebox, how to hide outgoing payments and make it so that only incoming payments are...
3 answer
Personal license
14.02.2022, 16:00
At the transfer of the client's appointment, the payment is displayed according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process for the other client
At the transfer of the client’s appointment, the payment was made according to the process, which was carried out according to the other process fo...
2 answer
28.01.2022, 15:44
Incoming payments
Good afternoon! There is a problem. For some reason, payments are not tied up automatically. Previously, everything worked when the order number wa...
Problems after upgrading to MVP
After the update, there were problems in finance and payments. 1. Incomplete information from the bank is drawn into the bank. Within 3 days there ...
1 answer
10.01.2022, 10:42
OS - Bug - Menu overlay
Can I fix the filter dropdown overlay?
7 replies
21.12.2021, 17:45
Payments from private bank are not uploaded
Good afternoon, payments from the private bank have ceased to be uploaded, nothing has been touched in the settings before. Everything is ok in the...
Bug - payments not previously linked for a couple of years were attached to the order
The manager created a negative payment for this order, at the time of creation the system took a very long time to load, and then pulled up a HUGE ...
1 answer
09.12.2021, 13:56
The minute processor does not work (payments are not delayed)
https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/statistic/ Last time at 9 am Please fix
1 answer
02.12.2021, 18:59
Incorrect operation of the automatic payment distribution action
In the client's order http://crm.adparts.com.ua/admin/customorder/zakazi-avtodoktor/928582/payment/ for some reason, payments to suppliers were...
9 replies
30.11.2021, 11:14
Good afternoon! Payments from the private bank have ceased to be unloaded. There are no errors in the integration, an example is in the screenshot....

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