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Search results for query #контакты

11 replies
02.08.2022, 09:45
Customer filter
Good afternoon, please tell me how to view mass information about new customers? For example, we take newly registered users from 01/01/22 and need...
5 replies
29.07.2022, 17:31
Bug - Clicking on contact and company
Click on the name of the contact company - the company card opens. OK. Click on the contact name - the contact card opens. OK. Then we click on the...
1 answer
27.07.2022, 18:27
problem - When creating a company, the name of the company disappears
We enter the name of the new company in the contact card, and after clicking on "create a company" - the name of the company disappears a...
8 replies
27.07.2022, 11:32
Refinement: several account fields for companies
Guys, I need your help and perhaps refinement. The situation is as follows: now if the Contact has the "Company" type, then in the interf...
3 answer
25.07.2022, 17:28
Bug lists in Contacts
If you select a value from the list once and click the "save" checkbox on this field, then everything is ok. But if after that you open t...
6 replies
25.07.2022, 17:25
Please help with solving the problem. Unable to reset interface to default. The standard interface has 2 tabs. I'm trying to remove all interfa...
6 replies
23.07.2022, 11:07
"Name" field in the contact list
The contact has a "Name" field, which is used throughout the system, but for some reason it cannot be displayed in the contact list in or...
Incorrectly opening the contact's order list
Here is the contact https://akmp.com.ua/app/contact/3114/ By clicking here Opens all open orders
3 answer
16.06.2022, 10:23
Doesn't display information on contacts tab
On a computer, the tab displays as it should, but on mobile, no information is visible. And it is also impossible to edit the interface of the seco...
Can't delete contacts Without phones
there are 300-400 of them approximately in the system, I delete them by 100 pieces, base 100500 +/- and when I reach the last ones in the region of...

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