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Search results for query #контакт

2 answer
02.04.2024, 16:06
Translate into Ukrainian: Preview contact - Preview contact
Good afternoon, we found a discrepancy in the translation into Ukrainian in the contact interfaces. The interface block is now in Ukrainian: "Conta...
4 answer
05.01.2024, 13:27
Knowledge base article for the role
Previously, the BZ had a function in which it was possible to specify for which role / roles this article was written. Also, in the contact interfa...
BAG does not store the contact's birthday in BP
There is a BP in which the "Date of birth" field is displayed (user.user_bdate) In the settings, this field must be filled in (user.user_bdate) The...
1 answer
Personal license
19.06.2023, 09:08
ImprovementInvestment of the universal block of the interface: display of the contact field from the additional field
Congratulations! For some time now, we have been observing the lack of one feature with the team: the ability to display the contact field user.(c...
2 answer
16.06.2023, 12:27
A bug when creating a contact from the add process form
https://dimpro.1b.app/desktop/ I have attached a video on fixing the error. Please correct it.
Is it possible to be notified when a comment is sent to an employee?
Is it possible for the employee to receive a message only in the case of a comment sent for him (via @) in BP? That is, if someone simply wrote a c...
8 replies
11.05.2023, 14:18
please tell me which action updates the contact field type date
Good day. Please tell me which action updates the contact field type date "Update". When moving to a stage, the "Update" field must be updated in t...
500 error when going to the page
Good day! When switching to the client's card, it says "500 internal server error"
2 answer
06.02.2023, 11:53
Access to create a new client
Good day! Which setting must be enabled in access rights for an employee to be able to create a new contact? https://os.strikeshop.ua/app/contact/?...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
13.12.2022, 13:21
fix the operation of the contact interface block "Contact in the directory" (changes are not saved when editing a field with type "Boolean" when the value changes from "1" to "0")
the "Contact in the directory" block is displayed in the contact interface configured so that the job name and readiness fields can be ed...

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