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Search results for query #кабинет клиента

2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
26.08.2021, 19:22
the choice of categories in the client's office is not displayed (viewing the process)
In the client's account, when selecting products through the "Search for products" block, the tree of product categories is not displ...
12 replies
BAAs Dev.
27.07.2021, 08:17
After updating on the OS, the Cabinet and its functionality do not work
Good day. I ran into a problem that after updating to the OS, my client's personal account stopped working. As I understand it, after the trans...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.07.2021, 17:53
Image cap
box https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/ If the online store module is connected, then the setting is available here https://prosto-shop.pp.ua/admin/shop...
3 answer
01.06.2021, 16:03
Prices in personal account
Created a group Wholesale customers, price level Wholesale prices. Instructed the group to apply this price level. https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/sho...
3 answer
19.05.2021, 13:49
onebox os and built-in online store
After the release of onebox os, the built-in online store will be separated into a separate application, as I understand it. Will it be possible to...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
29.04.2021, 11:25
customization of the interface of the login page in the client's cabinet
please let me know if it is possible to customize the interface of the client account login page (put your own html markup) or substitute your own...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
27.04.2021, 17:46
The condition for displaying products in the client's account does not work
Set up the display of goods here https://cabinet.b2bframes.com/admin/shop/boxclient/15/interface/ In the product block, I set 2 conditions Product...
4 answer
19.04.2021, 11:08
Payment in your personal account (works every other time)
Here is an example of an order where it does not work correctly, does not allow payment, and then throws an error https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/adm...
5 replies
07.04.2021, 12:14
The amount of payment in LC is not quite correct.
The following block was added to the interface settings of the personal account https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/boxclient/8/interface/?wor...
11 replies
Client login error
When trying to enter the client part (https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/client/) under some users (for example, mazursvatoslav@gmail.com or sony25@u...

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