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Search results for query #дополнительные поля

5 replies
29.11.2021, 19:36
Add additional filter fields for locking with the category manager
I didn’t take feedback on the rest of the comments on the topics: https://1b.app/ru/support/stock/11895-dodati-dodatkovi-polya-filtriv-za-zamovchu...
Creation of reports. Filters
When working in OneBox, it sometimes seems that the system was created not to facilitate the work process, but to complicate it as much as possible...
4 answer
12.11.2021, 14:10
0 in additional fields with type Number
Please remove 0 in additional fields with the default Number type. And it was not before someone's refinement with separators. Firstly, it real...
3 answer
03.11.2021, 20:47
Consultation on filling in additional payment fields via API
There was a consultation 2015732259 There was a question in it to call the completion of additional payment fields when requesting the API, and not...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
31.10.2021, 18:26
fix saving values add. fields displayed in the interactive window for filling
I ask you to correct the saving of the values of the add. fields displayed in the interactive window for filling did such a revision https://crm-on...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
29.10.2021, 11:57
Additional fields of analogues are not displayed in the product search
Here https://crm-77.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/89/interface/ Display of analogues is configured, including 2 additional product fields Here htt...
6 replies
29.10.2021, 09:15
Filling in a field with the type Multilist of contacts based on the lookup field with the same type
Good afternoon! Faced this problem: We need to fill in an additional field for the process with the Multilist of contacts type from the lookup fiel...
4 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
07.10.2021, 18:04
OS - setting the contact field PREG expression to check the value of the field
Please tell me how the checkmark in the card of the additional contact field works PREG expression to check field value and show an example express...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
23.09.2021, 12:47
Sorting and editing additional fields in the contact list
It is necessary to make it possible to sort and edit additional contact fields in the contact list How long will the revision take?
2 answer
08.09.2021, 12:52
Displaying additional product fields depending on the category additional product fields
In the additional fields of products, you can select a category. But the fields, all are displayed in a bunch in the product card, regardless of th...

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