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Search results for query #дополнительные поля

2 answer
02.01.2024, 18:22
Additional category fields - how to add them?
There is an action "Copy the value of an additional category field to an additional field of products of this category" https://1b.app/ru/forum/cha...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
09.10.2023, 13:13
The "upload to XML" action does not upload additional fields to a file
Good afternoon Additional process fields are not uploaded to XML. Procedure https://polax-onebox.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/29/ Please tell me...
1 answer
02.12.2022, 14:34
Importing goods to Rozetka
Good afternoon! Is it possible to somehow integrate the new additional fields into the Rosette import file/link? Import for the Rozetka is formed b...
4 answer
25.11.2022, 22:46
Product filter in additional field as multi list
Good afternoon! There is a filter in the product with 10 options. Each filter option (each option) has a free additional cost. An additional field ...
4 answer
18.11.2022, 10:51
Additional fields tied to product filters
We created additional fields in the warehouse with binding to product filters. But when posting, additional fields are displayed, but lists of valu...
2 answer
07.10.2022, 11:11
The field values are not saved when the device is received for repair.
When accepting for repair, the field values are not saved, the system gives an error "about not being filled". These fields are connected...
Additional values are not copied. fields with genus. process
Good afternoon. The task is to periodically check the values of add. fields in the parent process and copy to subprocesses. For some reason, the va...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
08.02.2022, 13:08
OS values of additional fields in the product card are not saved
Good afternoon, the values of additional fields in the product card are not saved. Example: Product link: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/product/5...
22 answer
16.12.2021, 11:15
Additional warehouse field
https://rivcont.info/app/storage/orderstoragefield/7/ We want to make the "Automatically fill in from additional product fields" setting,...
2 answer
13.12.2021, 17:45
Do not process sidebars with additional fields
Tell me, be kind, why don't you tell yourself on the side https://yourcolor.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/orderfield/ https://yourcolor.crm-onebo...

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