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Search results for query #дополнительное поле

4 answer
12.11.2021, 14:10
0 in additional fields with type Number
Please remove 0 in additional fields with the default Number type. And it was not before someone's refinement with separators. Firstly, it real...
2 answer
12.11.2021, 11:45
Improvement dії "Change and write down the value of additional fields of protection"
The rest of the days will be spent pardoning the action "Repair and write down the value of the additional fields of prayer." Dia does no...
4 answer
18.10.2021, 16:51
how to calculate the number of days between two dates (entered in an additional field)
Hello, tell me please. How to calculate the number of days between two dates (included in additional fields). You need to calculate the number of d...
8 replies
18.10.2021, 13:06
additional field type "integer", but
Hello, everything was fine before. Now, when displaying processes in a tabular form, there is a line at the bottom of the sum of the field values. ...
2 answer
15.10.2021, 13:50
The action Automatically fill in the values of additional fields of process products based on the lookup does not work correctly
At step 2, the action Automatically fill in the values of additional fields of process products based on the lookup is configured. When you try to ...
2 answer
08.10.2021, 12:40
OS - Additional fields search glitches
Additional fields are duplicated in the search - it looks like a bug. P.S. Revert the system back to "beta" status because the current ve...
3 answer
08.10.2021, 11:17
OS - List/Table
Apparently, when new additional fields are added, they get into the table display, but they do not get into the list display. Is it possible to mak...
1 answer
21.09.2021, 09:14
image is not loaded in the additional field of the process product
In the task https://ukrpromspec.com.ua/admin/customorder/prodazhi/192476/edit/ in the additional field of the product of the process "Image pp...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.09.2021, 12:09
OS - the name of the fictitious product is not copied in the additional field of the process product
Process Action: Copy product field to additional process product field Previously, this action worked for all products: - fictitious goods - goods ...
4 answer
Add. process product field with type Dropdown
On the example of such an Order - https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/1685352/edit/ it is clear that in the field with the drop...

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