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Search results for query #личный кабинет

11 replies
21.01.2021, 09:52
Why does the action "Reserve the contents of the process in the warehouse" not work with the LC?
Hello, I've come across the following issue: When creating an order through the personal account, a BP is created in it there are 3 stages: Hom...
2 answer
20.01.2021, 10:59
How to create a product that will have several sizes, and sell it through the personal account?
Good afternoon, please tell me how to correctly create a product with an indication of its size, for example, "sneakers" with a size of 4...
9 replies
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
15.01.2021, 10:53
Setting fields to fill in your personal account
Here is the office page https://mail097480.crm-onebox.com/client/order/101/ now, you have to click through each field to save the selected values: ...
5 replies
15.01.2021, 00:07
Filters for brands and categories in the client area
Hello! In the client's account, the filters do not correctly display product categories for a group of clients. In the group settings https://z...
1 answer
14.01.2021, 08:58
API personal account
Good afternoon. Tell me, please, we want to implement a personal account on the site. But I can't find the information I need in the CRM API re...
3 answer
21.12.2020, 18:07
Deleting a photo
Good evening, please delete unused images and other garbage to add space. Thanks
2 answer
21.12.2020, 14:02
I can't enter the office
Good afternoon, I can not enter the office, the site is working. Text - Page unavailable The site avtocar.com.ua cannot process this request yet. H...
2 answer
I can't access my personal account
1. Can't login to crm-onebox.com. For some reason, the system writes that there is no such client in your system. Although I even asked a quest...
2 answer
08.12.2020, 10:12
A new process is not created when registering a client in the personal account
OneBox - campshop After registering a new client in the account, the Registration process should be created according to the system settings in the...
8 replies
06.12.2020, 19:48
Changing the name of a menu item in the LC interface
Onebox-rybalkashop If you change the name of the menu item in the LC interface in the Ukrainian version , then this name changes in Russian. versio...

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