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Search results for query #интерфейс

8 replies
Stopped uploading data from client interfaces
We have a client part https://box.collarexpress.com.ua/client/ Today, approximately from 15:45, data from the client part to the database (admin pa...
4 answer
The calendar has this functionality It can be seen that the process was scheduled, but the current date is greater than the planning date (or the ...
1 answer
02.04.2021, 18:10
Suggestion: Improve chat messenger
We offer, by analogy with viber chat, to fix the chat for messenger. https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/interface/5066-lenta-kommentariev---uluchshe.....
4 answer
24.03.2021, 15:27
Improvement: process header (adaptability)
We suggest that in the narrow column of the interface, the block "process header" be slightly changed when the interface is narrowed. At ...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 18:31
Improvement: date/time display
1. For example, in the block of subprocesses or the last processes of the client, you can remove seconds. 2. If someone needs a super-accurate tim...
3 answer
23.03.2021, 17:45
Enhancement: Multi-Select
1. We propose to add to the multi-selection (select status, select business process, etc. wherever it is justified) - the "select all" op...
3 answer
the manager cannot enter data into the table, rows are jumping
https://box.generator.ua/admin/customorder/ot-servisa/22611/edit/ the manager cannot enter data into the work table #22611, lines are jumping
2 answer
22.03.2021, 11:04
Bug in adding a product line in an order
Good afternoon. A new product line is not added to the order. Tried on multiple browsers. Look please.
1 answer
21.03.2021, 22:16
Enhancement: Menu
We propose to make an improvement in the form of counters that could be configured. Type counters: My pending tasks - 5 My tasks / All tasks - 5/2...
1 answer
21.03.2021, 21:08
Bug: Block of subprocesses
https://box.ergoglass.md/admin/customorder/zadachi/1521/edit/ The block of subprocesses is not hidden, although there is a checkbox. Did we do some...

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