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Search results for query #платежи

15 replies
18.07.2021, 12:01
OS: Data is not displayed in the "Payments and cashier" application
There is a user ..., but his "Payments and cash desk" page is empty. Gave access rights to 100%
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.07.2021, 01:27
OS - process interface block improvements
For blocks "Payments" and "List of documents" make it possible to customize the table (columns) that should be displayed in th...
5 replies
22.06.2021, 21:14
Currency of payment and mutual settlements
Hello! The client https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/3682/ has an incoming payment https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/finance/pay...
Not working Make a payment
Good afternoon. At the stages Overlay received J and Overlay received Y, the payment should be made and the status should be switched to Completed,...
1 answer
09.06.2021, 10:32
Finalize the payment calendar report as in 1s
In 1s there is such a report as "Payment calendar", we need to do the same in CPM. Here is a detailed description of the report how it wo...
upload payment file
Hello. The client-bank sends the following file with an array of payments: is it possible to load such a file through the bulk operations panel wi...
2 answer
17.05.2021, 11:26
Action: Change stage if payment received
Hello! Previously a question was asked on the forum: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/business-processes/8117-deystvie-izmenit-etap-...
15 replies
11.05.2021, 18:04
Weekly payments are tied to the process
Good day! We have installed automatic dia: "Automatically allocate customer payments by process", but blame the following situations: The...
1 answer
19.04.2021, 11:01
Payments are not received from WayForPay
There is an integration https://vzutik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/wayforpay-integration/cont... There is an order https://vzutik.crm-o...
4 answer
Refinement in the panel of mass operations in Finance
Can it be improved so that the bulk operations panel displays the amount of selected payments, next to the amount?

If you can't find a suitable theme - Submit your question.