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Search results for query #замовлення

1 answer
The product block in the orders interface has disappeared
I am attaching screenshots. Over the weekend, the "products by table" block disappeared in the Orders interface, although it is also indicated in t...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
27.09.2023, 09:13
Phases switch incorrectly
The system switches to the wrong stage. Then it can switch to the correct stage. And this is in addition to the fact that the product table is not ...
2 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
27.09.2023, 08:49
Adding products does not work
Adding products to the order does not work http://prntscr.com/ncZfVzdyIhE8
1 answer
19.09.2023, 12:12
The order page does not work correctly
It has been impossible to work with orders for the second day in a row. When updating the page, it moves back several orders and in order to see th...
1 answer
Personal license
17.08.2023, 08:44
Error 500 and 504
For the process https://ariabride.1b.app/51230/edit/, the console gave a 500 error when going to the sent stage - https://monosnap.com/file/5F1Evs4...
2 answer
11.07.2023, 17:31
An order to the supplier is not created
When you go to the "Order to supplier" stage, a supplier order should be created, but it is not. The product is not available. The Supplier is indi...
2 answer
18.05.2023, 13:18
How to make a copy of the order
Good day. Please tell me to copy the order with all the data, because I can't find it. thank you
5 replies
How to change the date of BP creation?
Good day. It is necessary to be able to change the date of creation of BP. Checked all onebox settings, found nothing. Tell me, is this even possible?
3 answer
26.04.2023, 11:52
The procedure is not performed when switching to a stage
When switching to a stage, there is an option to run a procedure for another business process (if I understand correctly) https://sambag.crm-onebo...
margin calculation
tell me how can you calculate the margin in the process separately for goods and separately for services if the goods and services are in the order...

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