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Search results for query #oneboxos

Transfer the system to OneBoxOS and the website to OneBoxShop
There is a site slingopark.com that works on the old OneBox. Website hosting on hvosting.ua I want to transfer the website to OneBoxOS to a cloud p...
4 answer
12.01.2023, 15:00
Forced migration to the new version and additional payment for "perpetual licenses"
Dear developers. I have been using Onebox for more than 5 years and bought perpetual licenses (25 pcs) for the constant stable work of my employees...
1 answer
09.02.2022, 08:41
When I try to print a check, I get an error that the username or password is not correct.
Good afternoon, tell me what is the problem, I take the cashier's data from the checkbox, namely the fields "Login" and "Pin cod...
2 answer
Personal license
16.09.2021, 12:06
OS - how to make a link to create a new process in a certain BP?
in MVP it was possible to write as follows: ...admin/shop/customorder/add/?type=order&workflowid=[BP number] and a process will be created in t...
3 answer
Personal license
07.09.2021, 13:33
OS: how to display an additional field of the product of the process in the list of processes?
in MVP there is a process setting , where you can specify which additional process product fields to display in the "product" column. wh...
1 answer
Personal license
06.09.2021, 17:43
OS: The "Process Discount" field in the summary block displays 100 times the value
there is a process: https://allar.crm-onebox.com/100/ the discount should be UAH 95, but it shows 9500 https://take.ms/IAfzn fix please
2 answer
Personal license
19.08.2021, 16:59
OS: in case of opibutkuvannі not forfeit vibranі fіltri goods
I'm trying to buy goods with filters. For whom I built additional fields for the warehouse, tied with filters. Ale, the goods are delivered to...
2 answer
Crm not working
Good afternoon. Boxing fell and gives an error 500.
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
06.08.2021, 16:45
OS - Make custom grid and block layout for process interface
Often there is a problem with the fact that the page layout does not allow you to place elements in a way that looks beautiful and does not take up...
1 answer
onebox OS
Good afternoon, during the update, the interface for managing New Mail in the business process card disappeared, in particular, it is not clear whe...

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