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Search results for query #поставщик

3 answer
04.07.2023, 09:25
Supplier order not created
Hello! Boxing - azing.1b.app. The order to the supplier has ceased to be created through the action "Create process to the supplier" at the stage o...
3 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
23.06.2023, 12:01
Add settings to the "Create supplier process" action
Good day, Please update the action "Create supplier process", you need: 1. Add the ability to select Business process and status for creation 2. Se...
How to indicate availability at the supplier???
The availability of the product at the supplier corresponds to the fact that the product itself is included in the price. Sometimes suppliers simpl...
The connection with the supplier is deleted!
I connect the supplier through the import of xlsx products. It seems to me that the connection with the supplier is deleted after 10-15 minutes whe...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
15.11.2022, 09:59
does not update product data (supplier code)
Here is the import https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Here is the product https://sara.1box.link/app/product/13809/edit/?tabid=0...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
02.11.2022, 08:58
Sometimes an action is triggered several times per stage
There is a BP https://sara.1box.link/app/workflow/17/constructor/ There is a stage here https://sara.1box.link/admin/shop/workflowstatus/257/action...
Не работает выпадающее меню для поиска поставщика
Не работает поиск по поставщику в продуктах нет выпадающего меню для поиска. И даже если прописать поставщика, то не ищет
1 answer
13.09.2022, 19:21
The price of the postal worker is not imported
Nalashtovana diya http://clepsydra.org.ua/admin/auto/action/day/edit/ "Universal import of the supplier's price list in YML format (Tradin...
10 replies
Clarification on setting up integration with the South Contract
The integration was set up, the goods were loaded. But the goods have only 1 image (of poor quality) and no description. Examples of goods https://...
5 replies
OneBox stopped recalculating availability with suppliers and warehouses
Screen. The supplier has a "available" checkbox. The product has synchronization with availability. But presence is not added. The produc...

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