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Search results for query #додаткові поля

Good day. Please tell me how to display the columns "Shop price" "Internet price" "Wholesale price" "Purchase price" in the Products. The calculati...
3 answer
07.08.2023, 12:54
Forming an order to a supplier based on sales statistics
Please tell me how to form an order to the supplier not according to the minimum reserve, but according to the statistics of the sold goods (for ex...
3 answer
Personal license
13.07.2023, 17:07
Additional fields of the process product are not displayed in the product search block
After transferring the box from mvp to Os, when adding a product from the product search block, add. size and color of product fields for analogs o...
1 answer
27.02.2023, 18:10
Questions about the action "Find process and merge with current"
Searched for a solution how it is possible to merge two processes into one and came across the action "Find process and merge with the current one"...
2015953793 - The functionality of OneBox Network application actions has been improved
For the automatic actions of the OneBox Network application, a setting has been added that sets the action to be triggered depending on additional ...
4 answer
18.11.2022, 10:51
Additional fields tied to product filters
We created additional fields in the warehouse with binding to product filters. But when posting, additional fields are displayed, but lists of valu...
2015930399 - Added functionality "Record the value of the additional field fallow according to the number of processes of the client"
For the task "Recording the value in the additional field is fallow according to the number of processes of the client" the possibility w...
1 answer
12.06.2022, 12:32
Access rights for additional OS fields
How to set up access rights for spivrobitniks in OS to additional fields (contact, process, product)?
3 answer
16.05.2022, 17:03
How to correctly change the size of the supplementary field?
How to rename the Ukrainian language dodatkovі field to the product so that the stench in_dobbrazhalis when converting Ukrainian on the site (also ...
1 answer
21.02.2022, 10:20
Data from the supplementary field is not included
In the customizations, you can specify whether to take the bag from the additional field (the field "Bag for the waybill"). The field is ...

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