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Search results for query #mvp

Are you planning to build a Ukrainian platform?
Chi є in plans to transfer your platform to the Ukrainian one, so that the Ukrainian main one will be added. Abo accept the cost of the available o...
Official: End of support for OneBox MVP and early builds
Dear customers! We officially announce that starting January 1, 2023, OneBox MVP and older versions will no longer be supported. What does this mea...
6 replies
01.07.2022, 23:12
Official: end of support for OneBox MVP and earlier versions
Dear Clients! We are officially announcing that starting January 1, 2023, OneBox MVP and older versions are no longer supported. What does this mea...
3 answer
12.04.2022, 12:54
Hello, we really need such a refinement for our Mvp box, how much will such an installation cost?
1 answer
10.01.2022, 12:14
prohibition of transfer to the next stage
Hello, tell me please. How to prevent the transition of the BP to the next stage, if at the previous stage the process hung for more than a month ....
9 replies
Personal license
03.01.2022, 13:56
MVP rename DB
welcome to 2022! the client needs to change the domain of the box for some reason changed to nginx, php-fpm, files /var/www but you still need to c...
Upgrade to MVP version
Downgrade the current version of Green Evolution to the MVP version
1 answer
30.11.2021, 15:40
Upgrade to MVP version
11 replies
Personal license
12.10.2021, 17:51
rate the extension to the serial number search field
Hello! you need to complete the product search block so that when searching by serial number, the product is added to the process immediately with ...
2 answer
onebox update
Good day Upgrade my crm to MVP

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