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Search results for query #integrator

6 replies
28.10.2020, 18:52
help improve: 1. axis connected https://prnt.sc/v59eye 2. by putting https://prnt.sc/v59if7 3. in the contact know ЄDRPOU by entering in the dodfie...
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
28.10.2020, 11:50
Communication through a special office
The manager sends a comment to the client from the appointment - the client instantly takes it in the office. If the client sends a comment from th...
Incorrectly parsed the address of the NP
Order example 4414 as well as 13503 from the drop-down list chose the address https://prnt.sc/v7zpv3 It is correct, there is one https://prnt.sc/v7...
10 replies
26.10.2020, 17:42
Setting up additional fields for process products
In the task http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admin/customorder/prodazhi/115026/edit/ there is a field http://ukrpromspec.onebox-system.com/admi...
3 answer
26.10.2020, 15:33
Display orders from rozetka.ua
Tell me a few questions about the integration of the outlet. How to make orders from the outlet have a name? Now I have an empty place in this plac...
2015668290 - Improved so that when clicking on the name of the BP, the page of the constructor opens
Improved so that when clicking on the name of the business process in the settings, on any page (actions, interface, procedures...), the BP constru...
6 replies
Pardon for payment. Due date is less than current
https://prnt.sc/v5a1os - how to solve the crime, so that the skin never takes an hour for 1xv.
3 answer
23.10.2020, 12:54
SMS transfer from Binotel account
want to clarify - at the same time Binotel's API does not send us input SMS to Box?
2015666782 - Added payment verification to the action "Privat24 Autoclient Statement of Accounts"
For the action "Privat24 Autoclient Statement of Accounts", the check has been improved so that before 9:00 am of the current day, reques...
8 replies
22.10.2020, 16:55
Nova Poshta: Shipped not in a box
in the NP there was such an option "Redirection not in the box": https://prnt.sc/v4m5w8 the client will ask if it will be possible to che...

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