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Search results for query #integrator

26 replies
12.11.2020, 00:47
Variable for a letter with a link to a product
Prompt a variable for a letter with a link to the product. So that you can send a letter to the client with a list of products and each product as ...
I want to change my domain name
I want to change my domain name from teplo-watt.com to teplo-watt.pro. My system administrator did everything, but came across the fact that my (sp...
1 answer
11.11.2020, 10:45
Pulling a contact person to the Nova Poshta tab
There was already a question https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/logistics-and-delivery-services/3001-podtyagiv...
1 answer
Evaluate the completion according to the Personal Account (order without goods)
1. You need to evaluate the opportunity when entering the "cart" In order to be able to start creating an order without a product, it is...
3 answer
10.11.2020, 15:37
How to bring in excess goods by leather batch?
At vkladtsі Remains of the warehouse the goods are in one line, zagalna kіlkіst goods in the warehouse. On my account, can I list all parts of this...
3 answer
10.11.2020, 15:09
order name with rosetka
Hello, is it possible to somehow configure the import of the order name from the outlet by analogy with prom and opencart
6 replies
06.11.2020, 14:04
password for VPS
we ask you to provide, please, the password to the VPS from our online store (intermobil.com.ua = Intermobile)
3 answer
06.11.2020, 11:17
Data encryption
There is a client who is very worried about the security of their data. The main requirement is hosting on the client's server + they ask to cl...
Yak vibrati main mail
Yak vibrati main mail Є kіlka settings almost https://rovo.org.ua/admin/shop/integrations/imap-new/control/ https://prnt.sc/ve3z2u
3 answer
Estimate completion (payments)
How much will it cost to finalize to the table of payments it was possible to edit directly in the table and not fall into the payment itself

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