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Search results for query #файл

1 answer
21.11.2020, 17:18
Adding a file to a contact card (theoretical question)
I have products that have a file in their characteristics. This file may have a different extension. For example: we embroider the Apple logo. In a...
2 answer
03.11.2020, 15:21
Critical. File corruption. With case details.
In general, we catch this error again and again, if we alternately upload two files with the same name and the same content to the system (no matte...
1 answer
29.10.2020, 15:10
The employee does not have access to the file from the additional field
Good afternoon. Two questions: 1. An employee Kovalenko Nikolai Nikolaevich cannot open a file from the additional field https://prnt.sc/v9e2wn giv...
4 answer
17.09.2020, 15:58
Critical. File corruption.
1. One of the employees uploaded a one-page pdf scan to one of the processes - successfully. 2. Another employee downloaded this file - successfull...

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